Dental care

Excellent dental care and hygiene is important for everyone, but it is even more so for people living with FOP.
The invasive nature of dental procedures such as filling a cavity has the potential to cause many problems. Good preventative dental care at home can lessen the need for dental intervention.
FOP can cause additional challenges for someone with the condition if it causes the opening of the jaw to be restricted or even fixed. This can make it even more difficult to effectively clean all the teeth.
Good oral health is necessary to ensure teeth and gums stay health. Poor dental hygiene can lead to unhealthy gums, tooth decay (a need for fillings), pain, bad breath. If a tooth is very badly decayed it may need to be removed.
Top Tips for Terrific Teeth
Visit your dentist regularly, at least twice a year. You can also request to see a special care dentist.
Clean teeth twice a day. Children under 7 should be supervised when brushing to ensure the brushing is effective. Ensure all surfaces of the teeth are cleaned. Children over 7 can also used a mild fluoride mouthwash, once a day, at a different time to brushing.
If you have restricted jaw opening, use a toothbrush with a smaller head, or purchase a specialist toothbrush.
Use a high fluoride toothpaste with at least 1400ppm fluoride (often sold as 6+ toothpaste for children). It is possible to get 2800ppm toothpaste from your dentist.
Ask your dentist about having fluoride paste applied to the back teeth to strengthen them and help to prevent decay.
Stop bottle feeding by 18 months. Only ever put water or milk in the bottle.
Avoid sugary foods, fizzy drinks, and snacks. Eating and drinking a lot of sugar significantly increases the likelihood of cavities, which will then need treatment. Dilute fruit juices which contain a lot of natural sugars.
Choose tooth-friendly snacks such as vegetables, rice cakes, milk, cheese and nuts.
If you are concerned about any aspect of your dental health, contact your dentist immediately.

Accessing dental care
For specialist FOP dental care, contact FOP Friends for the most up to date information.
Find an NHS dentist here: Find a Dentist
You can also request to see a special care dentist. Speak to your community dentist about a referral.

Further reading
GOSH ‘Caring for your child’s teeth when they have Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva‘ leaflet.
FOP Friends Five tips for better dental health
Visit the Oral Health Foundation’s website for more information about dental care for people with medical needs.
The IFOPA has some resources:

ICC Medical Guidelines
Before consenting to any dental treatments, please ensure your dental surgeon, anaesthetist, and medical care team have familiarised themselves with the ICC’s Medical Guidelines for FOP Patients.
The special care dental team should also contact Clive Friedman (contact details below) for advice and guidance or to FOP Friends, who can connect them to another dentist with knowledge of FOP.
Contact details for FOP Dental Specialists
Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery Department General enquiries:
Dental & Maxillofacial Department
Great Ormond Street Hospital
Service telephone number
020 7405 9200 ext 1099
Dr. Clive Freidman
Specialist FOP dentist, paediatric specialist
Ontario, Canada
Tel: 001-519-679-9860 (office)
Tel: 001-519-657-6014 (mobile)
Ontario, Canada
Tel: 001-519-679-9860 (office)
Tel: 001-519-657-6014 (mobile)
Dr. Corrie Crowe
FOP Specialist Dentist
New Jersey, USA
Tel: 001-856-258-4025
New Jersey, USA
Tel: 001-856-258-4025
Dr Robert Diecidue
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery/Dentistry
Philadelphia, USA
Thomas Jefferson Hospital
Tel: 001-215-955-6215
Philadelphia, USA
Thomas Jefferson Hospital
Tel: 001-215-955-6215
Professor Zvi Grunwald
FOP Anaesthetist Specialist
Philadelphia, USA
Thomas Jefferson University
001-215-206-7362 (cell)
Philadelphia, USA
Thomas Jefferson University
001-215-206-7362 (cell)
Professor. Richard Keen
FOP Specialist
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Stanmore, London
Tel: 020 3947 0056
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Stanmore, London
Tel: 020 3947 0056
Professor Fred Kaplan M.D
FOP Specialist
Philadephia, USA
University of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Tel: 001-215-294-9145 (office)
Philadephia, USA
University of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Tel: 001-215-294-9145 (office)